This manual has been written to act as the ICRC’s Institutional reference on mine action, as a basis for ICRC mine action training and to provide guidance for those working in delegations where weapon-contamination is an issue. The manual consists of three books and it outlines a broad and flexible approach which includes rapid response, multisectoral approach (the application of assistance and protection to reduce impact) and cooperation/capacity building.
Book I: Weapon contamination environment Book I provides an overview of the key issues to consider as a basis for operational decision making.
Book II provides an overview of the ICRC’s role in different weapon contamination contexts, and guidance on how to assess the needs and develop appropriate strategies and objectives.
Book III: Reference material Book III contains a range of reference material, including: guidance on data gathering/analysis, risk education and survey/clearance ; cooperation and capacity building ; legal texts and guidance on their application ; dealing with human remains in contaminated areas ; glossary